Monday, January 23, 2006

O, joys of Craigslist!

I cannot believe how handy Criagslist is. One example -- in a fit of clumsiness, I spilled water all over my cell phone, ruining it. I called T-Mobile, where they said my warrenty is now void, and If I like, I can get a free phone if I sign a two year contract!


So I post an add in the electronic section and within a day get TWO cell phones EXACTLY like the one I broke with chargers and a charger for the perfect condition. FOR FREE! Brilliant!

Also, Craigslist is the easiest thing in the world when you are looking to declutter or sell your stuff for a move. There's always someone who wants your furniture, and they'll come and pick it up! I know I made at least five hundred dollars on my last move. Glorious!

Friday, January 13, 2006

I really should actually update this thing...

Well, our big plans for MLK weekend are to go with Greg up to Sandstone for another round of Cabin Weekend. This will be Hubby's first time on the much beloved CW, so that should be fun. We''l be heading back on Sunday so he can teach class and so I can go to my first Tai Ch'i class since college.

Just in case he's reading this, thanks Trevor for all your good advice on martial arts in the Twin Cities.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Wedding spot, check!

So, after some last minute scrambling (is there really any other kind?) we left on Friday afternoon to start looking for places to get married. First, we went to Mille Lacs-Kathio State Park up by Onamia on the sorthern point of Mille Lacs. It was a pretty nice place, we got a campsite, hiked around on trails so steep they were marked with a line that looked like an EKG, sort of a pictograph of how the hills were and what your heart rate would look like after treckking up and down them. There's a little penninsula that juts into Lake Ogetchie (sort of a side lake to Mille Lacs, an old wild ricing lake) where there are remnants of a Dakota village. We ended up (sssshhhhhh!) bringing some blankets and sleeping in the open air there. It was really amazing, the stars were really bright (despite the weird pink glow on the horizon from the casino in the distance) and we saw a couple shooting stars!

Verdict from Andrew: nice place but the 'energy wasn't right.'

Wild River State Park was next, we drove out there Saturday morning. We went right to the trail along the St. Croix which was really beautiful. The sandy trail was really narrow and sandy, it was like you were walking in the middle of the woods since the path was only a few inches wide. By the time we got there it was pretty warm in the early afternoon so when we spotted some little islands in the middle of the river we stripped to our skivvies and swam out there. Dear god, river water is cold. It was really nice though. We left thinking that this was a serious contender.

About 3:00 we drove down to Donna's in SE MN. On the way, in the nice warm car, we started to get really sleepy so we looked for a park on the way to nap in. We pulled off in my ex-husband's childhood stomping grounds to go to Nerstrand-Big Woods State Park. Just as we got a few miles from Nerstrand we had a blow out. Fuck. Then when we went to change the tire, the jack (which was the crappy one that came with the car and wa srusted through on one side) fell over and twisted. So we had to flag someone down and borrow a jack. Then we went to Northfield to get the tire replaced, which tooka few hours. We ended up getting to Donna's around 9:00 pm, by then it was pretty much dark. We had a nice talk after I introduces Andrew and she showed us her INCREDIBLE hippie-haven house. We turned in around midnight. I got up and made breakfast for everyone, and she showed us the land. Basically, she has a sheep and goat farm with the barn and pasture on a couple acres on a nice, rolling hilltop-- and acres and acres of steeply wooded, boulder-strewn ravine.

Andrew really thought it was the best place to do it, and got along great with DOnna, who'd been thinking about putting up a stone circle of some kind for years. Solooks like that might happen with Andrew and his students coming down to work on it.

Then we headed home in the afternoon, after stopping in briefly to seem the natural spring at Beaver Creek Valley State Park. More tenant problems (well, a problem that Alison needed resolved, not a problem with Alison, who's a sweetie) to deal with, but otherwise it was good to be back at the house.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Donna, we love you!

I got a call from Donna B. today. She's one of the folks I worked with on fighting the Heartland Tireburner proposed for Preston, MN. She lives in SE Minnesota where it is REALLY beautiful, lots of hills and bluffs.

Anyway, looks like she's willing to let us have our wedding there. So I suppose Andrew and I will be going down to check it out this weekend.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Arbeit Macht Frei!

Gosh I hope I spelled that right. Because the thing you have to worry about when making Holocaust-inspired jokes is spelling...yeah.

So, the update:

1. I've been working basically non-stop on getting the house ready for the Housewarming party tomorrow. Buying fabric, getting curtains made by the Somali tailors down in the West Bank, buying paint, painting, figuring out the color is wrong, getting the color corrected, painting, the color still dissatisfies Andrew, getting the color corrected and (shocker!) painting.

Also, we've been pulling up the super disgustor old carpeting which is both dusty and laden with mold-spores. Lordy! We finally got all the carpet up last night (at about 1 am) and when I started mopping I realized that the dark stains on the hardwood floor were actually pools of glue for the carpeting. Which was water-soluable. And I had spread with my mopping. All over the floor. Ugh!

So for tonight: move all my boxes of books up to the attic, finish de-gluing the floors, move rugs and furniture into place, cry with exhaustion, clean the whole apartement, put up the curtain rod and curtain, clean the porch and finish weeding the driveway/sidewalk.

2. Fun with being a landlady!
The Drunken Freak former tenant still seems to think she deserves her deposit back, despite the itemized list of deductions we sent her. You'd think she'd be so embarassed after her drunken rampage at our house she'd slink off. Nuh uh.

Also, things are civil to friendly with the Powderhorn Couple, but they have a list of stuff I need to do to the house and a list of stuff the Evil Contractor fucked up or simply did not finish.

On the upside, I do get to go to a firepit party at Marie's house this weekend. So that's cool.